How to be loyal part 3 
We've already looked at two ways to build loyalty: 1) being honest and trustworthy; 2) being supportive and generous.

This week we look at the third way to build loyalty:

Week 3: Maintaining Healthy Boundaries
  • Choose to give your loyalty to others. Loyalty should be something you freely give to others because you want to, not because you feel you have to. Don't feel obligated because it is demanded or expected. Choose to be loyal to those you trust and believe in because of their actions and character.
  • Do not let others take advantage of your loyalty. The relationships you have in life should feel equitable where you feel you are getting as much as you are giving. If you feel you are being taken advantage of by a friend or family member, sit them down for a conversation about your feelings which goes back to being honest and trustworthy.
  • Maintain your independence. Be sure to have to time for yourself to do your own thing. Avoid being too dependent on others. If you have a significant other, perhaps you take one day a week to socialize with other friends or family members.
  • Allow time for self-care. Take the time to focus on your needs. Establish a routine where you do something you enjoy such as working out, reading, or even mindfulness activities. This will help prevent burn out or the sense of dependence on others. 

"Peace means loyalty to self...And loyalty to one's self means never a gap between thought, speech, act." - Ruth Beebe Hill, author.

Posted by On 10 June, 2018 at 11:02 AM  

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