I think it is safe to say we live in an Information Age. We have so much access to information and other people throughout the world via the devices we carry every day. Through the technology we have at our disposal, we share our lives, we get the news, we run businesses, we earn degrees, and the list goes on and on.
For our kids, it is nearly impossible to "monitor" what they have access to 24/7. So how do we help them navigate a world in which they probably have more knowledge about the technology than we do? Empowerment.
During my graduation speech on June 16, I stated that our kids have the potential to be the next greatest generation because they have the means necessary to spread compassion throughout the world. Our challenge as parents/guardians and educators is to help them develop and refine their life skills in this information age so they can maximize their potential. To do that, we must also continue to learn and grow right along with them.
Our mission, To empower all learners to be successful, is our guiding principle. We can empower our kids by giving them a voice, engaging them in real world learning experiences, and by providing an inclusive environment in which they not only learn from others, but learn to appreciate others.
By working together, we can empower the next greatest generation.