This school year, we are having a different type of focus. One that places emphasis on our mindset. Our focus for this year will be on Value, Success, and Wellness.
The next three series of this blog will focus on these three areas. We will start with Value.
People of value, value other people. I heard John Maxwell, a leadership coach, repeat this over and over in an audio book I listened to this summer. This comment got me to thinking about our staff and our kids. We are people of value who value other people. The big question is, how do we ADD value to other people?
Adding value to others is an intentional act. We cannot rely on our subconscious to make this happen. It is a conscious decision we make to enhance the lives of others. We have to learn more about one another in order to know how we can add value to others. I tell people all the time, the better I know you, the better I can serve you. Encourage your kids to be open to conversations with our staff so that we can get to know them better.
If we are persistent and consistent in this pursuit of adding value, it will have a positive compound effect and our kids will be better for it.