The essence of integrity 
The following story speaks to the essence of integrity: building trust.

The year was 1854, a Mormon pioneer named Jacob Hamblin was living in Illinois when he was sent to southern Utah to help settle that area of the country. Hamblin quickly developed a friendship with the Native Americans who lived there. He did business with them regularly and they knew they could trust him to treat them fairly and honestly. He was known as a man of integrity by his new friends because of his consistent actions.

One day he sent his son to obtain blankets from a Native American man in exchange for a pony. The man offered a pile of blankets after examining the pony, but the son, wanting to prove what a good business man he could be, refused the offer, saying he wanted more. 

The man continued to add blankets to the pile until the son agreed to the trade. However, when the boy returned home, he found his father was not proud of his business skill. The boy had taken more than the pony was worth, and he promptly sent the son to return half the blankets.

The Native American man laughed after the boy shared why he came back. He had known Hamblin would make his son return the extra blankets.

Hamblin's actions over time created trust between himself and the Native Americans. Had he not sent his son back to his friend, trust may have been lost as well as his reputation of integrity.

It may take years to build trust with others and a reputation of integrity, but it can only take a second to lose it. Be consistent in your actions and never do anything that will compromise your integrity regardless if someone is watching or not.
Posted by On 02 December, 2018 at 9:48 AM  

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