Principal's Blog
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According to Andy Warhol, "You need to let the little things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you."

Here are 10 personal victories to celebrate in everyday life. 

1. When you befriend a person who seems lonely or out of place.

2. When you find the perfect gift for someone and make their day.

3. When you learn how to do something - change a tire, cook your favorite dish, use a new app - that you couldn't do yesterday.

4. When you decide your past mistakes will no longer define you.

5. When you drink enough water, eat healthy food, exercise, and get enough sleep - all in one day.

6. When someone younger asks for help because they look up to you.

7. When you share something you have plenty of with someone who has less.

8. When you stop procrastinating and just do that thing you've been putting off.

9. When you tackle all the clutter in your room and finally organize it to your liking.

10. When you apologize to someone you have truly wronged.

Remember, it's the little things that can make a big difference.
Posted by Guest  On Sep 30, 2018 at 5:44 PM
Personal victory is really the mastering of self. It doesn't happen by chance. According to Stephen Covey's book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People there are three basic habits that can lead you to personal victory1)Be proactive; 2)Begin with the end in mind; 3)Put the first thing first.

Being proactive means mentally setting yourself up for victory. It's a decision. It could be as simple as deciding you're going to clean your room or making the decision that you're going to do your homework instead of watching Netflix or playing Fortnite. 

Begin with the end in mind is about what you want to accomplish: your room will be clean or your homework will be done. You feel that sense of accomplishment no matter how big or small it may seem.

Put the first thing first is about what you value and make a priority. When it's a priority, it will get your attention and focus. What gets your attention and focus gets done.

Once you get the concept of personal victory, the next step is learning how to celebrate the small victories. Next week's blog will focus on those victories.
Posted by Guest  On Sep 23, 2018 at 10:17 AM
"Words are the singular most powerful force available to humanity. We can choose to use this force constructively with words of encouragement, or destructively using words of despair. Words have energy and power with the ability to help, to heal, to hinder, to hurt, to harm, to humiliate, and to humble." - Yehuda Berg (International best selling author and speaker)

Considering the "powerful force" of our words, how can we discipline ourselves to consistently speak in a way that conveys respect, gentleness, and humility? One way is to take time to THINK.
T - Is it TRUE?
H - Is it HELPFUL?
K - Is it KIND?

Posted by Guest  On Sep 16, 2018 at 8:05 PM
Corporate America has long seen the benefits of having wellness programs for employees where they work. According to fitness expert Dr. Steven Aldana, CEO of WellSteps, there are five benefits to having a wellness programs in the workplace.
  1. Improve Employee Health Behaviors
  2. Reduce Elevated Health Risks
  3. Reduce Health Care Costs
  4. Improve Productivity
  5. Can Decrease Absenteeism

See the full article here.

At Lee-Davis, we have also put more emphasis on wellness. Our staff spent some time during the planning week generating ideas for wellness opportunities for themselves and also for our kids. The school year can be stressful at times and we need to ensure we have strategies in place to take care of ourselves and our kids. You may find staff members taking a walk  or working out during a planning period. You may see a class outside doing yoga before a major test. Just know that these wellness strategies are designed to enhance the educational experiences of all learners for the long haul.

Our county has also expanded its reach on wellness by providing more resources to all of its employees. They too realize the benefit of having these programs and opportunities in place. 

If you do not currently have a wellness plan, I encourage you to find one that fits your lifestyle. When it fits your lifestyle, you are more likely to maintain a program that benefits you now and for the long term. (And think about the example you are setting for our kids).

Posted by Guest  On Sep 09, 2018 at 8:26 PM
Most dictionaries define success as an attainment of wealth, fame, respect, or favor. When I asked students on our Student Advisory Council how they believed society defines success, the overwhelming common answers were money and status. 

John Wooden, the hall of fame basketball coach, defined success as "peace of mind, which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to do your best to become the best you are capable of becoming."

It is this definition that I believe relates more to our mission: To empower all learners to be successful.

It is our own mindset that determines whether or not we are successful. If we are constantly comparing ourselves to the "Jones" of the world, we may never achieve that "peace of mind." However, if we focus our efforts on just being the best we can be, success is a lot more attainable. 

Our kids have grown up in a world where there are instant "status" updates. They have been exposed greatly to what society may deem as success. Our mission to help them define success for themselves and to discover that their successes will come as a direct result of their best efforts. As the adults in their world, we too are learners and our kids will learn from what we model.

Posted by Guest  On Sep 02, 2018 at 5:22 PM
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